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1 to 20 of 124 Objects


The Governor's Mansion, Lecompton, Kansas Territory
The Union Volunteer
Meeting of the Southern Seceders from the Democratic Convention at St. Andrew's Hall,      Charleston [S.C.] April 30, 1860
David Rice Atchison
Independence, Missouri
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg
Charleston, South Carolina. Ruins of Secession Hall
Battle of Lookout Mountain
Henry W. Halleck
Plat of Vernon County, Missouri
Plat of Deerfield Township, Vernon County, Missouri
Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA General
Battle of Wilson's Creek
Lexington, Missouri
Southern "Volunteers"
Kansas City, Missouri
Thomas Ewing
John W. Geary and Staff in Atlanta
Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke
