Proclamation to the State of Missouri

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A Proclamation

Whereas the Federal Government has issued an order calling upon all male citizens between the ages of eighteen and forty-five to come forward and enroll their names, preparatory to drafting men to reinforce their lately defeated army before “Richmond.”

We proclaim to all men if they will come to any of the many camps, now in the brush they will be furnished with arms, and ammunition, with which to

Any one who shall be found guilty of reporting to any military post, the where bouts of any southern man shall be shot.

Any one liable to military duty who shall leave the State, or shall be found preparing to leave the State to prevent being called into the service will be deemed enemies of the “South,” and treated accordingly.

(To the State of Missouri Aug[.] 4th/'62)

Upton Hays
W.C. Quantrile
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